Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®

Pi Eta Omega Chapter

Orange Park, Florida

Serving the Communities of Clay, Putnam, St. Johns and Duval Counties

Chapter Programs

In addition to the activities to promote Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s signature program, Pi Eta Omega sponsors additional programs and events that support the goals and vision of the organization.

Pi Eta Omega Annual Scholarship

Pi Eta Omega values and supports academic excellence. Every year, the Pi Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. award over $10,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors in Clay, Duval, Putnam, and St. John’s counties. The children of chapter members are eligible to apply for the chapter’s Juanita Henry Bookship Award. These scholarships are awarded to students within the mentioned counties that show exceptional scholastic achievement, involvement in the community, and pursue higher education. Scholarship recipients have attended and graduated from higher education institutions across the state of Florida and beyond. If you would like to donate to the Pi Eta Omega Annual Scholarship fund, please follow this link.

Pi Eta Omega Annual Community Prayer Breakfast

The annual community prayer brunch, held each spring, is a prayer-filled event that focuses on the needs of our community, including youth and those who are at the margins of our society.  During this event, Pi Eta Omega celebrates the faithfulness of community members who provide “service to all mankind” by awarding them Helping Hands Awards. Recipients of this award have come from various backgrounds such as education, politics, health professionals, and the arts.

Virtual 34th Annual Prayer Breakfast Flipbook


Backpack & School Supply Drive for Children of Incarcerated Parents

More than 25,000 children in Florida have a parent in prison or jail. The incarceration of parents has severe, unseen consequences for children who are often left confused and uncertain about their future. It also has financial consequences for those who are taking care of these children. Pi Eta Omega has eased some of the burden by contributing backpacks and supplies to the children of incarcerated parents.  If you would like to donate backpacks and/or school supplies, please click here.